Sabtu, 09 April 2011

Visi dan Misi SMA Negeri 2 Bandarlampung

Visi :
School of International Level National standard, quality in IMTAQ, Excellence in Science and competitive in the Global Era.
Misi :
  1. Achieve Competency Standards Curriculum and graduate level international-standard education unit.
  2. Achieve academic achievement and non-academic national and international level.
  3. Achieve an active learning process, creative and innovative with the introduction international language.
  4. Realize educators and professional staff and are able to communicate in international language.
  5. Realizing infrastructure adequate learning and international level.
  6. Achieve international standard quality management.
  7. Achieve an adequate education funding, reasonable and equitable in accordance with the demands of international-standard education.
  8. Realizing the relevant assessment tools international level.
  9. Realizing the school culture and environment clean and beautiful.
  10. Manifest religious values and able to adapt to the global cultural development according to national identity.
  11. Achieve competence of teachers and students in the mastery of ICT.

3 komentar:

Reza Akhmad Syahbana mengatakan...

mantap gan...update terus blognya....selamat berkreatifitas aja di dunia maya....kunjungi juga blog ane gan---->

Rohis Smanda mengatakan...

Alhamdulillah, terima kasih atas kunjungan dan komentarnya..
Sering-sering mampir ya.. :D

zahro mengatakan...

bahasa inggris(?)
super sekali..